Feb 2016 site completely re-vamped with a different host. My apologies for some of the layout idiosyncracies (albuns page in particular) that I haven't figured out how to solve-yet. This page will probably be replaced with a'blog' (horrible word) at some point.


Wednesday 4th April 2012 Quite a break there. The reason being that I'd put my efforts into the myspace page, which in turn I've pretty much given up on, hence the updated site. Please note the Bark Arse and New Vistas In Humbug sections have disappeared as it was rather time consuming coming up with enough material to justify them. They may one day re-appear. Note the updates to the trautonium pages.
Sunday 2nd Nov 08. Previews and links for Empire dancing in shadow.
Friday 9th Feb 07. Finally a myspace page. www.myspace.com/ghostmoneysystems.
Thursday 23rd Nov. Trautonium pages to be updated, should be appearing on myspace imminently.
Wednesday 28th June. Kiss my void is now available. Further pages of the book of Bark Arse to follow.
Wednesday 24th May. First pages of new vistas in humbug, more mp3 previews imminent.
Wednesday 15th February First kiss my void mp3s.
Wednesday 11th Jan 2006 Provisional information on 'Kiss my void.' I intend to do something about the parlous state of the links page sometime soon.
Thursday 1st December. Site improvements.
Wednesday 30nov. More bark arse, belatedley as my computer was knacked. Look out for preliminary info on 'Kiss my void."
Saturday 22 oct. New Bark Arse content
Friday 7th oct. An efficacious lamen has appeared on the bark arse page. Information on the forthcoming release of 'KISS MY VOID' will be added on the music pages. The e-mail link now works.
Friday 30th. sept. Itunes now have The revolution of undoing and To come and go in peace available for download.

September 14th. 2005 I've been putting this site together since the beginning of September 2005. The coming days and weeks
should see some choice content being added, including music clips, the odd whole piece and information and musical
examples of the Trautonium, an astonishing German 'synthesiser' from the 1930s. I am endeavouring to finish an album
which features a modern version of the instrument, something I enjoy more than fiddling around with html programs.
Trautonium mp3 examples uploaded on the 20th sept. See the Trautonium section.

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